Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

M1 Video LED Layar Bersinar di Eggnet Acara Show di Beijing

24 Juni 2016 -HTL, salah satu dari 5 produsen layar LED di Cina, terus beruntun musim panas dengan menyediakan lebih dari 1500 meter persegi layar ditambah kontrol LED sistem di 6 tahap dan arena di acara Netegg di Beijing, yang merupakan paling penting acara musik menunjukkan di ibukota. Ini adalah jumlah terbesar dari layar LED yang disediakan untuk tanggal di festival dengan yang HTL telah terlibat selama lima tahun terakhir melalui kreatif dan teknis spesialis produksi Joli Cai. Nilai produksi untuk acara tahun ini meningkat secara signifikan hasil berikut tahun lalu dan untuk menjaga di garis depan festival adegan Beijing. Kedua latar belakang LED layar pada Utara dan Selatan tahapan yang terdiri dari kombinasi layar kecerahan tinggi HTL M1-S dan produk M1-S1. M1-S1 untuk daerah pusat dengan M1-S sekitarnya.

Di atas panggung, mayoritas bagian layar LED yang terdiri dari M1-S2, dengan bagian depan stand DJ dibalut Radiant M1-S3 Hybrid - media standar 18 mm lapangan tile dengan 32 x 32 pixel per panel, dan 4 x 4 tinggi kecerahan (8000nit) piksel resolusi rendah tertanam di panel yang sama. Sebuah panggung header / perbatasan di bagian atas juga dapat dijalankan sebagai resolusi tinggi atau menengah menggunakan Radiant M1. Final dua DJ bermain di setiap tahap juga memiliki desain video mereka sendiri, sehingga secara keseluruhan set up pada tahap untuk Sabtu dan Minggu didasarkan pada kemampuan untuk mereplikasi ini sedekat mungkin.

Kontrol pada Utara dan Selatan tahapan adalah yang terbaru sistem Catalyst run, seperti disebutkan di atas, dalam hubungannya dengan Novastar dan Videowall ini manajemen layar untuk output ke daerah yang berbeda. Mereka dioperasikan oleh Dick Jackson. Sebagian besar seniman utama menyediakan konten mereka sendiri diformat ke pixel-peta permukaan layar yang disediakan terlebih dahulu oleh HTL. "Permintaan untuk lebih layar di acara acara seperti Eggnet mencerminkan semakin pentingnya visual untuk set DJ terkemuka," komentar Kris Li. Serta memberikan lebih layar untuk tahap luar ruangan, HTL juga dikerahkan lebih banyak menampilkan LED sekitar arena dari sebelumnya tahun ini, dengan daerah 03-08 menerima antara 80 dan 140 meter persegi masing-masing, yang Arena 03 A State of Trance / Keberangkatan - adalah permukaan tunggal terbesar dengan desain layar 140 meter persegi.

Produk yang digunakan di arena termasuk M1-S1 dan M1-S2 Hybrid, dan 100 meter persegi permukaan untuk menutupi struktur set di 07 untuk Acara, dan hampir 100 meter persegi layar 9 mm di Arena tahap sisi, 08. semua sistem kontrol arena memiliki platform yang Novastar di inti mereka - yang ditentukan untuk keramahan DJ / LJ nya - dengan Hijau Hippo Hippotizer di 07, dipilih untuk kemampuan pemetaan langsung untuk memetakan konten ke struktur set. Netegg berikut segera setelah konstruksi HTL untuk apa yang diyakini menjadi yang terbesar layar LED sementara di Beijing untuk Upacara Pembukaan PLA parade show, yang digunakan 1.000 meter persegi Radiant.

Tentang perusahaan

Shenzhen HTL Tampilan layar LED produsen produk layar terkemuka dari Cina, itu desain dan mengembangkan Video indoor & outdoor LED panel layar untuk iklan, olahraga, lalu lintas bimbingan, peristiwa sewa dll.Dan telah mengekspor produk ke lebih dari 50 negara.

Media Kontak:
Perusahaan: HTL Tampilan Co, LTD
Contact Person: Bill Zen
Tel: + 86-755-33123095
Fax: + 86-755-33123095
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Tips Mengatasi vertigo paling tepat dan cepat
Cara mengeriting rambut tanpa catok paling mudah

Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Doing Side Effects Diet or Mayo Diet Salt

Has a gorgeous body and an ideal weight is one every woman's dream. So many of them to make efforts to find a powerful way to help you lose weight. Now this weight problem experienced by almost everyone. All of this is triggered due to lifestyle and eating habits that they do haphazardly. From start to eat fatty foods, instant foods and lack of activity or sport. The pattern of life that is the one factor that triggers weight which is not ideal. To get the ideal body weight back they are willing to do a variety of ways ranging from taking drugs, strict diet and doing a variety of sports. In this regard there is a way to diet is believed that the result is a potent diet mayo. Do you know what that diet mayo? If not, then go see review below!

Mayo diet or dietary salt in a study says that if someone wants to have a slim and healthy body without fear of disease is required to avoid any kind of food that contains salt. Dealing with mayo diet or dietary salt, there is a surprising community that apparently the mayo diet can have side effects that  for you to know. Curious to know the side effects mayo diet or dietary salt for health? Immediately, note the following review!

According to a study conducted at McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences to do in finding a variety of surprising results about the diet mayo or salt diet. The research was carried out by people who have a diet mayo where the result stated that people who diet mayo would have a greater risk of suffering from stroke and heart disease than they do the natural diet in a way reduces food intake in the body and exercise regularly , This is because less salt intake to their diet mayo making power body or his immune system has decreased and is very susceptible to disease one of which is heart disease.

According to a get that information in the human body itself takes an average salt intake is three and a half grams per day. If it is more or less going to be bad for health, namely if the excess salt will potentially have hypertension or high blood pressure. Vice versa is a shortage of salt intake would be vulnerable all kinds of diseases in the body even though the dangerous disease. So that's why we recommend a balanced diet to keep the body healthy and keep your body certainly ideal.

Well that  information you know about the side effects of a diet mayo. Still dealing with such matters have been made following a study conducted by experts in the United States, Canada, and England. With the research conducted is of course more can be assured how useful and risks that occur when a diet mayo or salt diet. Well for those of you who may be currently undertaking mayo diet should not do excessive when considering the side effects that may result from such a diet mayo. So and may be beneficial to us all. 
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Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Keeping Tips Permanent Weight Loss Ideal When Fasting

When in fasting course of our meal frequency will be reduced compared to the previous day. Usually three times a day to twice a day, and if it is seen that the conditions will certainly affect the condition of one's body weight decreased. But most of that happened is not the case as we imagine. Many of them actually experienced the opposite, namely weight gain. Having traced caused because of unhealthy eating patterns. Seeing these conditions are very anxious because the expectations to look dazzling on the day of Eid to be annihilated because the weight is growing fatter. The ideal weight is not only delicious when viewed, but also can mempenaruhi health conditions. So it is important to always be on guard and to have an ideal body weight is actually very easy if we know how.

One of the most powerful ways is by fasting but also accompanied by diet and activity accordingly. Of course you do not want to put on weight after fasting, right? Now that your weight does not continue to surge, you should consider some of the following tips, which are as follows!

Here Tips for Maintaining Permanent Weight Loss Ideal When Fasting

Eating Lots of Water
At the time of fasting, presumably to keep the importance of a healthy intake of fluids in the body. The trick is to consume lots of water as much as much at the time of iftar and sahur. Under normal conditions require about 6-8 glasses of water intake per day. So when fasting you can drink a glass of water at the time of breaking the fast, two glasses of water when in the evening, before dawn 2 cups of water and one glass of water after fasting. Do it every day at the time of iftar and sahur, other than to keep your weight remains ideal may also help your body avoid dehydration.

Do not Apply "Revenge" on At Berbuka
To keep the weight remains ideal, it is important to keep your diet. Also do not apply in your mind "revenge" when fasting. Revenge intention is to eat a variety of foods as you want without considering the capacity of your stomach at the time. With the diet that makes a person's weight had increased unnoticed. Instead, eat a light meal beforehand at the time of iftar. Such as drinking a glass of water at the time of breaking the fast, eating two seeds continued with palm sump or the other. Once your new prayer further by eating a heavy but still in accordance with the capacity of your stomach.

Avoid Eating When close to bedtime
So that your weight remains ideal for running fast, you should avoid eating near to bedtime. Because of the food consumed will accumulate into fat when mealtime is close to your bedtime. As a result the weight will increase from day to day without you even knowing. As a very nice time is within 2-3 hours give mealtimes to your bedtime.

A few tips to keep your description of the ideal body weight during the fasting month. Because of the importance of weight in supporting the health and appearance you need to always pay attention to start now. 

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Selasa, 07 Juni 2016

Type of Food Sahur Create Hunger Longer

In the holy month of dawn becomes one of the daily routines performed before dawn. Because the meal itself is one of the key energy in running throughout the day. With so of course it takes the kind of food that can provide longer satiating effect. This is to ensure that we can live a full day optimal fasting without hungry. It is conceivable for 13 hours one must endure hunger and thirst, because in theory nutritional food consumed during the meal is processed by the body or slow released as expressed by the Chairman PERGIZI FOOD Indonesia, Prof. Hardinsyah. So whether you know it or slow it released? slow released is a food that has a lot of fiber in it. Foods that contain high fiber will be able to keep hunger at bay longer. Here are the types of food that can keep hunger longer, are as follows!
This is the type Hunger Food Sahur Create more Longer

The type of food that one is not only beneficial to health, but also can be useful for filling. This is because in oatmeal contain complex carbohydrates that can provide energy for the body optimally. Not only that Oatmeal also can provide energy to our brain to support the activities of the day. Besides containing complex carbohydrates, it Oatmeal also has a high content of fiber that can be trusted to make the effects of hunger longer. This is perfect as the meal of your menu every day.

Vegetable soup
As in the previous explanation, fasting is very suitable to help you lose weight. For those of you who want to lose weight is very good to be able to consume this kind of food one is vegetable soup. Do not worry and fear eighth because by eating vegetable soup can be useful to make you hungry to be longer. This is because in the vegetable soup contains nutrients and water from a variety of vegetables in it. So with so naturally if the vegetable soup makes us longer feel hungry.

The type of food that can make longer hungry next egg. Eggs are one of the foods that are rich in protein. Faucet high content of protein in it is what makes people who eat eggs in the morning will feel fuller for longer periods of time. It was submitted by Shelley McGuire of the American Society for Nutrition. So because of that egg is suitable for you serve as your last meal menu along with their family members.

If it had been mentioned a variety of foods that can be useful to make your hunger longer. This time there is a type of fruit that has the same benefits that apple. This is because high levels of water and fiber in it that makes the fruit of this one to give full effect longer. Strongly recommended you eat an apple without removing the skin, because the skin of apples contain pectin fiber that acts as an appetite suppressant. So it fits really well for you are more diet. An apple also contains only 80 calories, but fiber and water makes us feel full equal to the full after a big meal.
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Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Causes of Water Fleas and How to Overcome It

Skin disorders experienced by everyone of course is very disturbing and certainly annoying. This is because the skin is the largest and outermost part daru body that has a function to cover all the organs in the body. So that is why the skin becomes a very important part. Where the skin acts to maintain the aesthetic beauty of a person's body. If the skin has a problem of course, can influence the role. As we know everyone of course wanted a clean and smooth skin, because the skin as it would make more confident. Therefore do not be surprised if a lot of people who would do anything to get beautiful skin in accordance with their dream. But unfortunately despite having been treated with such skin problems often attack one of them is the water flea.
Of the many skin problems, athlete's foot is a skin disease that can come suddenly. So that's why a lot of people feel is often missed, especially for housewives who most of the time is spent in the kitchen. Of activity that is the one factor that causes athlete's foot. Well on this occasion we will explain the causes athlete's foot and how to overcome them. Immediately, note the following review!
This is the Cause of Water Fleas and How to Overcome It
Water fleas is infectious and causes rashes, chapped skin, causing itching and pain in the legs. If the condition is left alone will worsen the condition or worse. Ticks water itself can be caused by a fungus, which is why this condition is called tinea pedis. It can also be caused by germs and bacteria, both of which are very prevalent once grown and living on the skin. Actually, fungi and bacteria will not cause problems if it is not supported by other external factors. So what factors can cause water fleas? Factors causing the water flea is because they are caused by fungi. The fungus will grow when the condition of the skin condition is always moist, warm and stuffy. Thus the water fleas will often encountered in the section between the toes. The characteristic-cir water fleas are skin itchy, painful and hot. Besides the skin will blister and turn red and extremely painful. If left unchecked these conditions will widen. So that's why it takes effort or how to resolve it. Want to know how to cope with water fleas? just note the following review!
Here's How to Solve Water Fleas can you do
Salt water
The first natural ingredients that you can use to overcome the water is salt water fleas. Salt water is a natural ingredient that is very powerful to overcome the water fleas. The natural ingredients of this one is easily available and where is the seasoning that almost everyone has it. Anti-fungal substances contained in this salt effective to cure athlete's foot. Besides antibacterial properties owned by the salt will make water fleas that attacks the body will be effectively addressed with this one ingredient.
In addition to using natural materials, you also can buy drugs at pharmacies such as ointments or other. Many explanations of the causes of and ways to overcome water fleas that you can do.
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